Wilko Store Closure Plans

January 11, 2022

Published by Insider Media


High street retailer Wilko has revealed plans to close 15 stores across the UK.

The Worksop-headquartered business has said that it is undertaking a complete review of its store portfolio, with it planning to close 15 sites before January 2023 as leases end and where favourable terms cannot be agreed.

The stores on the consideration list for closure unless new terms can be agreed include Shipley, Bournemouth, Stockton, The Fort, Scunthorpe, Narborough Road, Grantham, Redditch, Rotherham, Skegness, Sutton Coldfield, Edmonton Green, Llanelli, Merthyr Tydfil and Cleethorpes.

Chief executive Jerome Saint-Marc said: "Our history is steeped in serving our customers and communities going back to 1930 but there's no denying the way people shop with us and where they want to shop with us is changing.

"As a business we're evolving and this includes working with landlords for more favourable terms, as well as looking at locations and store formats. We'll continue to pull together to make our business better to secure the future of over 16,000 team members.

"We'll be doing everything we can to support our affected team members who will be offered any available positions in nearby stores. We apologise to those communities where stores are closing but will continue to offer them everything they need in nearby stores or via wilko.com."


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