Toyota Joins JCB Fleet

December 2, 2021

Published by Insider Media


A hydrogen fuel cell Toyota car has joined JCB's fleet as the digger giant invests £100m in its own hydrogen engine technology.

The vehicle is among the first batch of Toyota's second-generation hydrogen-fuelled cars to arrive in the UK since its launch earlier this year.

JCB's purchase of the Toyota Mirai comes as the company invests £100m in the development of super-efficient hydrogen engines to power its equipment.

It is the second hydrogen-fuelled Toyota Mirai bought by JCB following the purchase of a first-generation model in 2015.

It was handed over to JCB chairman Lord Bamford by president and managing director of Toyota (GB), Agustin Martin.

Bamford said: "We applaud Toyota for its consistency in exploring the potential of hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels in cars.

"Indeed, just in the past few months, Mr Akio Toyoda, president of Toyota Motor Corporation, has been testing a Toyota car powered by a hydrogen combustion engine, the same technology that JCB is pioneering for its own machinery.

"Having a hydrogen fuel cell car in our fleet makes perfect sense as we pursue hydrogen as a fuel of the future."

Martin added: "Since 1992, Toyota has produced more than five million cars at its Burnaston plant and our Midlands neighbours at JCB have an even longer history of providing employment, investment and innovation in the region.

"JCB's research and development into hydrogen engines marks a significant and forward-thinking shift in the construction and agriculture worlds.  It's exciting to see another industry taking the steps towards decarbonising society through the application of hydrogen technology."


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