Positive News For Bensons For Beds

January 24, 2022

Published By Insider Media



Bensons for Beds has reported a rise in sales over the festive period and said it is well placed to face Covid-19 supply challenges.

The nationwide retailer returned to operating profitability and recorded two-year like-for-like growth of 10.5 per cent in the seven-week trading period ending 15 January.

It comes as the business said its transformation programme continues to gather momentum.

Bensons also said its "strong" sales and return to operating profitability has been driven by new investment in its omnichannel strategy. This includes a new e-commerce platform, further product innovation and accelerated store relocations and refurbishments.

Bensons is backed by Alteri, the specialist European retail sector investor, establishing Bensons as a standalone business in 2020.  

It said its return to operating profitability has been enabled by the "ongoing delivery of a transformation programme to build a platform for sustainable growth".

In 2022, it plans 35 new stores and relocations.

Mark Jackson, Bensons for Beds chief executive said: "I'm deeply thankful and grateful to colleagues right across the business for their hard work to transform Bensons into the retailer we know our customers want us to be.

"And while our return to profitability is an important milestone, it’s simply a consequence of doing the right thing by customers.  

"Our transformation is not yet complete. In the year ahead we'll keep focused on our customers, on how they want to shop with us – online and offline – and on making their experience as they invest in their sleep, as easy as it can be."

Bensons for Beds is headquartered in Accrington.


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