Low Carbon Technology Connecting Landmark Liverpool Buildings

January 7, 2022

Published by Insider Media


The government has awarded more than £6.2m to help connect landmark Liverpool buildings and fund low-carbon technology.

Peel NRE's low carbon district heat network Mersey Heat has been given the funding to investigate expanding the network to include Liverpool's Three Graces buildings and surrounding properties at Pier Head.

The grant, from the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), is in partnership with Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management.

It will also help to fund one of two 3MW low-carbon heat pumps, the first of which will be water source heat pump at Peel NRE's energy centre at Great Howard Street.

This new money also enables Mersey Heat to undertake further feasibility studies to extend the network to the Pier Head. It will also allow it to be able to offer low carbon heat to the grade I-listed Royal Liver Building, the grade II-listed Cunard and Port of Liverpool buildings in partnership with the buildings' owners.

The grade II-listed George's Dock Building and the Museum of Liverpool which opened in 2011 will also be included in the designs for the heat network extension.

Construction work for Peel NRE's energy centre to serve Mersey Heat is expected to start on site early 2022. It will house low-carbon technology to save around 4,200 tonnes of carbon per year.

Jonathan Burley, commercial director at Peel NRE, part of Peel L&P, said: "Mersey Heat supports national and local targets to achieve net zero and we’re pleased to receive further funding to help roll-out the network on a larger scale.

“The addition of large historical buildings like the Three Graces would make a high-profile impact on reducing Liverpool's carbon footprint and we look forward to working with the buildings' owners and our district heat network specialists Ener-Vate to progress these designs and hopefully connect some of Liverpool's most prestigious properties to our low carbon network."


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