Construction Companies Win £7bn On Schools and Further Education Building

December 1, 2021

Published by Construction Enquirer


Twenty six firms have clinched places on the Department for Education’s £7bn schools and further education building programme over the next four years.

The firms are spread across 22 lots covering over three value bands and key English regions.

Across the sweep of the framework Kier did best picking up 14 lots, followed by Bowmer & Kirkland with a dozen and Wates nabbing 11 lots.

The major projects line-up welcomed a trio of newcomers – Bouygues, Graham and Skanska – as Sir Robert McAlpine dropped out.

Among medium sized projects McLaren Construction enters the fray for the first time as Midas drops out.

Key contractors are Kier Construction, Bowmer and Kirkland, Wates Construction, ENGIE Regeneration, Galliford Try Building, Tilbury Douglas (Interserve), ISG Construction, Morgan Sindall, Willmott Dixon.

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